Showing partners how StubHub could sell festival tickets
StubHub wants to give their customers and partners a great experience. I investigated how we could sell music festival tickets for our European festival partners.
The StubHub partnership team had been courting European music festival operators. We needed to show how we could offer festival goers a competitive ticket buying experience
Working with a senior UK product manager, I:
gathered requirements from the festivals partnerships team with a couple of workshops
analysed the current StubHub buy journey to find the good and things we could improve
did a UX and content audit of competing outlets and how they presented and sold festival tickets
I put a clickable prototype together in Axure to bring requirements and ideas to life. It covered the major ticket types and content elements partners would ask for. It also included a ‘Typeform’ based form experience that the partnerships team liked and a shopping cart, which was new to StubHub.
I presented the deck of findings and recommendations and walked through the buying experience with Festivals Partnerships team, who loved it. Next question - could they build the business case to get it developed?