Showing partners how StubHub could sell festival tickets

StubHub wants to give their customers and partners a great experience. I investigated how we could sell music festival tickets for our European festival partners.

Outline of a girl looking at the stage, hands in the air, at a concert.

The StubHub partnership team had been courting European music festival operators. We needed to show how we could offer festival goers a competitive ticket buying experience

Working with a senior UK product manager, I:

  • gathered requirements from the festivals partnerships team with a couple of workshops

  • analysed the current StubHub buy journey to find the good and things we could improve

  • did a UX and content audit of competing outlets and how they presented and sold festival tickets

I put a clickable prototype together in Axure to bring requirements and ideas to life. It covered the major ticket types and content elements partners would ask for. It also included a ‘Typeform’ based form experience that the partnerships team liked and a shopping cart, which was new to StubHub.

I presented the deck of findings and recommendations and walked through the buying experience with Festivals Partnerships team, who loved it. Next question - could they build the business case to get it developed?


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